ESC Schools are PE & Sports specialists that provide coaching in a variety of settings including primary schools & active holiday camps.

Our Vision & Mission:
To work with as many primary schools to help children become more active, increase the profile of sport, expose children to a broad range of sporting activities & help school teams play competitive sports in their borough.
Encouraging more children to live a healthier and more active lifestyle
Supporting coaches, teachers and schools help raise the standard of sport
Create an environement that is safe and enjoyable where children develop their confidence, self esteem, wellbeing and respect for each other

Our High Five Values:
• Energy, Bring The Sunshine
• Manage From Start To Finish
• Be Organised
• Clear Communicator
• Inspire, Make Someone Feel Good

ESC has been a part of school communities for the last ten years and aims to provide an umbrella of services that can cater to all your school’s physical activity needs.We offer tailored packages to enhance your School’s Sports Provision, whether that be; curricular time
PE / PPA Cover, Extra-Curricular Clubs, Active Lunchtime Provision, Additional Enrichment Activity Programmes or Teacher’s CPD.

PE / PPA Cover:
Our program offers the expertise of a qualified professional sports coach dedicated to delivering comprehensive physical education lessons tailored for children across the Early Years to Year 6. Aligned with the National Curriculum, your school will benefit from a meticulously crafted scheme of work designed to enhance the educational experience.
To further streamline the process for educators, all lesson plans are thoughtfully provided, alleviating the need for additional planning on the part of teachers. Moreover, our commitment to thorough evaluations and assessments ensures that the educational objectives are met effectively.Continuous quality assurance is a cornerstone of our approach, with our team managers routinely assessing our programs to uphold the highest standards of service delivery. Our management team actively engages with your school community, making regular appearances and maintaining an open line of communication to address any concerns or queries promptly.We strive to establish a collaborative and supportive partnership, ensuring that our services consistently meet and exceed expectations.Active Lunchtimes:
The Active Lunchtime program is designed to have a positive impact on your school environment while ensuring that every child stays active and engaged every day.
We understand the challenges schools face in keeping children active and focused during lunchtimes. Our mission is to provide a solution that not only encourages quality assured physical activity but also promotes a positive atmosphere, lowers incidents, helps improve behaviour and eases the workload of your dedicated staff by providing reliable support staff everydayAfter School Clubs:
We understand the importance of providing students with enriching after-school activities, and we're excited to introduce you to our exceptional after-school sports club coaching services.
We are dedicated to enhancing the educational experience for students across England. We firmly believe that physical activity plays a crucial role in a child's overall development, and we are committed to delivering high-quality sports coaching services that will leave a lasting impact on your students.Here are some key highlights of what we can offer to your school:• A variety of different clubs and sports
• Hassle-free administrative process
• Quality-assured coaching
• Safety from start to finish

Discover a variety of enriching holiday camp programs across Stockport for children
aged 5 -16 years.
Our team, consisting of expert coaches and dedicated specialists, is committed to creating a secure and supportive environment. We foster an atmosphere where children can learn, grow, and, most importantly, smile and have fun!

Active Football Camp: Our 'Active Football' camp is focused on developing football skills and techniques through a range of drills and games.Active Sports With Arts/Crafts: Our 'Active Sports' with 'Arts & Crafts' camp combines a variety of different sporting activities with an extra add on of our creative arts & craft workshop sessions that run throughout the week.Active Day Camp: Our 'Active Day' camps offer a unique blend of exciting activities, such as; Nerf Games, Glow in the Dark Dodgeball, Archery, Bowling, Mini Golf and many more!Holiday Activities & Food (HAF): Our week camps have a limited number of places where funded places will be available for children to take part in the endless activities & sports they love, along with being provided with a healthy lunch everyday! Eligible children will receive a voucher prior to all HAF Active Weeks to be able to book on.

Operating from various schools throughout the year, we welcome every child, at the following venues:• Meadowbank Primary School, Cheadle
• Woodley Primary School, Woodley
• Mellor Primary School, Marple
• Banks Lane Junior School, Offerton

To book a place at one of our after school clubs or holiday camps please find the link to our online booking schedule below. To secure a spot for your child, simply create an account, enter your child's details, and proceed with the booking process.

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